
Baby Adopter

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Baby Adopter
Baby Adopter is a babysitting, nursery and dress up game for people who love to take care of little babies. Adopt and feed a cute little baby! Feed, buy clothes, shoes and toys and take care. You have to feed your baby when hungry. The baby has to be with energy equivalent of 30. And do not let your baby get sick... This is the goal of Baby Adopter. Game Locations. Another goal is to explore and purchase items for the Baby Room, Bathroom, Playground, Playroom, Family Room, Game Center, Music Room and others. And purchase all the toys. Egg Hunt. Another goal is to hunt, find, collect and complete the collection of mini trophy creatures. You need to look for eggs, hunt, crack and hatch and finally own creatures which are inside the eggs. The eggs can be found randomly in different game locations. Need to wait after each crack in order to proceed with the following crack. The egg will be hatched after 3 cracks. The egg which was cracked once can be found in the same location. Karma r

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